Wednesday 13 April 2011

5 easy steps to improve website Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Finding the keys to search engine optimisation (SEO) can seem daunting but with this element on your side you could unlock a money making enterprise. You need to think of your website as a property and the possibilities from this as investments. To market any property, in our case a website, generate revenue you need a good estate agent to market your interests, this is what we call SEO. Many consumers and businesses use search engines as the first step in a purchasing decision so it is important to make SEO work hard for you!

On the journey to a high ranking website SEO is a great first step to increasing sales. To excel in this area involves a lot of time and expertise, but in this blog we have included some easy ways to begin to improve your results.

Below are some initial ways to get better SEO results:

1. A little keyword research makes a big difference.
Keyword research can be as simple as a team brainstorm. When you think about keywords, don’t just think about your company name—think about your products, and how people would try to find them.  For example, if you sell large format printing, think about keywords like “buying large printing” or “printing larger format [insert your geographic region].”

Once you’ve identified the keywords you want to target, you should use them throughout your SEO efforts. Optimising your site with the right keywords will drive more qualified traffic, and get your business more leads.

2. Change up your titles.
Make sure that every page on your site has a different title that showcases the relevant keywords for that page.  This sounds simple, but it’s often forgotten. Not only are titles highly important they are the first thing that people see when they look at a page of search results. Changing the title of each page can give a website a huge boost in search engine rankings.

3. Make sure you have the right metadata. Meta-descriptions and keywords are also important. Many web designers will not include meta-descriptions and keywords in their code.  These descriptions and keywords aren’t visible to your visitors, but provide important clues for search engines as to what information is contained on the page.  "Meta descriptions are especially important, because they usually appear on search engines, right below the title. Those descriptions are your first chance to grab the attention of a potential client or customer”

4. Link building. Search engines determine their rankings partly by relevance of content, and partly by how many other sites link to your site.  Whether links are on a site like Facebook or some other social media properties, or in a comment on a blog, links back to your website will help your search engine rankings. Also make sure that your website is linking to itself.  Wikipedia does so well in search rankings party because it is chock full of internal links.

5. Grade your website.
Use the fantastic free tools available to help you analyze your gives some great SEO advice, as does HubSpot’s Website Grader. These tools analyze almost every aspect of SEO on your website.

Bonus tip: don’t cheat the system
Search engines aren’t stupid. Or particularly forgiving.

We understand that the world of SEO is a fast paced and in a state of constant change but with this environment said its important to keep to a strategy just to get your foot on the ladder.

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