Friday 30 March 2012

Stamp Prices Rise - How to Still Reach Your Audience Despite the Increase in Prices

Post Box
The Royal Mail announcement that a First Class Stamp was due to rise to 60p, was an additional cost that businesses across the country really did not need. It will have lead to many considering avoiding using the Royal Mail where ever possible. This could be entirely possible in cases such as invoicing, but with email open and click through rates lower than ever, it would be very foolish to give up using the medium of print and direct mail to reach your customers and prospects.

Remember - mixed media campaigns have the greatest conversion rates!

It is entirely possible to still manage to contact your target audience through direct mail, without breaking the bank. Here are a few ways to do this:

1. Target your audience and keep your database up to date.
There is no point in sending a very attractive brochure advertising Golf clubs to someone who has no interest in Golf, but actually prefers chess. Make sure when you buy your database or gather your client data, you are getting people who have a genuine interest in what you are offering. 1000 hot leads, with a genuine interest rather than 5000 with a vague, or no interest is going to yield a much greater return, not to mention the saving on postage.

2. Look at other options on postage rather than stamps.
A stamp or even franked mail from the office can cost a lot. If you are sending out a large number of letters, there are a number of options available from the Royal Mail that are actually cheaper. One of the new products that has been launched is Advertising Mail, where you get a cheaper rate of postage for using that particular service. Another is Walksort. If you are covering a localised area - this could work for you. There are, of course, other options including TNT mail and other private carriers which are always worth consideration.

3. Plan what you are sending out prior to printing it.

Rather than print what you always produce, it could save you money by playing to the new Royal Mail rule book a little bit more. Look at different sizes, weights of finished item etc. It could be that you can get the same message and conversion rate, just by printing slightly differently or using a different technique.

4. Joint venture with other businesses
If the cost of mailing is still too high, look to work with other complimentary businesses and do a joint mailing with them, you can share the cost, and your databases. 

What ever you do, do not stop speaking to your customers. If you stop talking to them, you can be sure someone else will be!

If you are thinking of a new direct mail campaign and need some ideas on how to plan the printing, a creative idea to engage a new customer base, or plan the mailing and distribution, please give me a call. +44 1455 557766 or visit

Thanks for reading.

Adam Burrage

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